Our Honey

Our bees collect nectar and pollen from a variety of flowers and trees within a two mile radius of Frimley. Sometimes called raw honey, our honey is cold extracted, filtered and unpasteurised so that it retains all of the enzymes, pollen and antiseptic properties that are present when the honey is extracted from the hive.

It is extracted in small batches and each jar can be traced back to the specific hive and date of extraction. Each batch will vary slightly in colour, taste and smell, due to the changing seasons and flowers the bees are feeding on.

Our summer honey was professionally analysed and included pollen from 20 different sources, including lime, chestnut, privet, bramble, forget-me-not, balsam, tree of heaven, bellflower, lavender and green alkanet.

It should not be confused with the ‘blended’ honeys found in most supermarkets, which are usually heat treated, affecting the honey’s nutritional properties and flavour. Most commercial honeys also undergo ultra filtration to create a refined, liquid product that is seen as more appealing to shoppers.

Loen Honey has nothing added and nothing removed, it is just pure honey, straight from the hive.

My extraction process has been awarded a 5 star FSA rating.

The most popular choice, this is created from a wide range of different nectars and it’s taste will vary, depending on the time of the year it was produced. Spring honey, tends to be milder, late summer honey is slightly stronger. Like all of our honey it will contain lots of lovely pollens. Available in 227g and 340g jars.

This is created from the bees collecting the nectar of ‘Heather’ plants. It is a premium honey, with a unique texture, strong flavor and a long lasting floral taste. Heather honey accounts for less than 5% of my total annual crop. Available in 227g jars.

This has a thicker, creamier consistency and is simply made by taking our pure honey which is gently stirred, over a period of 4 – 5 days, to create a silky smooth, spreadable honey. Available in 340g jars.

A real delicacy, this is a piece of pure honeycomb, oozing with honey; cut directly from the frame. My personal favourite! Weight approx. 227g

A piece of honeycomb, added to a jar of pure honey. The best of both worlds and looks great too! Available in 340g jars.

The ultimate honey lovers treat! A full frame of Loen honey, taken straight from the hive. Equivalent to at least five pieces of our Cut Comb.

Pure natural beeswax, which can be used for candle-making, lip balm and various other beauty products. Sold in 1 oz / 28 gram blocks.